Over the past few weeks, the world has looked on as the Eminem-Carey feud gets progressively more and more heated. As is natural to human beings, most people are inclined to point the finger of blame at either Mariah or Eminem. The blame lies with both of them, I think.

Mariah's big mistake was making that excuse for a video, Obsessed. Yes, Eminem made a jab at her and her sorry-ass so-called husband, Nick Cannon (don't even get me started on him!), in Bagpipes from Baghdad. But he does that to everybody! I don't see Jessica Simpson, for example, recording a retaliatory song to We Made You, do you? Mariah, rap artistes make diss tracks and such, not wannabe female R&B singers like you.
Mariah's song, Eminem-dissing aside, was as mediocre and lacking in depth as everything else Mrs. Nick Cannon releases these days. Seeing as her hubby wrote the flat, unimaginative and childish lyrics, this was not unexpected. The video was no new territory, as we were regaled with Mariah Carey's usual excessive display of flesh. I'm not sure how much more 40yr-old partial nudity I can take...
And that 'stalker' in the video. Was that supposed to be an Eminem look-alike? Really.

A word of advice from me to you, Mariah: Quit posing as a singer and go into pornographic films. I'm sure you'd find the industry better suited to your talents than the music industry. Besides, you're taking up space there.

As for Mr. Marshall, his mistake was to respond to Mariah's Obsessed with his The Warning. Mariah isn't worth it, Shady! By responding to it, you've basically marked her as an equal. Bad move. However, it can be argued that Eminem was only trying to be fair by giving Mariah fair warning before he unleashed the dragon, so to speak. Good point.
Well, whatever. As Eminem and Mariah Carey each try to gain the upper hand in this acrimonious debate, I will be waiting at the finish line, popcorn in hand, to see who gets there first. See you there.
PS: What is going on with GossipGirl? Hilary Duff??? Anyway, that's a story for another day.