What in blazes is up with Rihanna's hair these days? She looks like she should be in a head-butting contest!
I think most people will agree with me when I say that Rihanna made much more sense in her "Pon the Replay" days...recently, it's been one crazy hairstyle after another. I mean, "Disturbia" was cool and all, in an edgy sort of way, but we thought it would end there. Unfortunately, since then Rihan

Music of the Sun and A Girl Like Me were great. We could totally see and hear where she was coming from: the Caribbean island of Barbados. Then the Good Girl went Bad in 2007, and everything just went downhill from there. She cut her hair (BIG mistake, she looked much better with long brown tresses) and dyed it black, and went under this transformation int

Rihanna has a great voice and she can sing, no doubt about that. She just needs to get her act together. Else, she'll risk alienating her fans.